Cities and stops we serve

Click on a stop to see more details, a live Google map of it's location, the routes we serve from and to this stop and even find directions to it from your current location (when applicable).


Dover Downs Dover
Dover Downs
Did you have a hectic week at work or are looking just to get away for the moment?
Not a problem!
Our daily departures from Virginia Beach or New York City will have you throwing that stress away in a few hours. Dover Down's are known for their Comfort and Elegance. Our departure times and buses is just what you need to get you there!
What are you waiting for? Hurry up to secure your seat in the next bus!
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Hampton Roads
Norfolk, VA
Best Square shopping center
Hampton Roads
Virginia Beach
5461 Wesleyan Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23455
New York
Times Square
201 West 37th St. (ON West 37th St.), adjacent to Fed Ex

Hampton Roads

Norfolk, VA Best Square Shopping Center
Norfolk, VA

Best Square Shopping Center

410 Briar Hill rd, Suite 101 Norfolk, VA 23502 

Our stop is located in front of historic Elegante Dominican Beauty Salon between Military HYW and Briar Hill rd.

Passengers are picked up by Van and transported to our Virginia Beach location where passengers board our Motor Coach en route to NYC.

Passengers returning from NYC are dropped off at our Virginia Beach location than transported by Van to Best Square Shopping Center.

Van transportation is a complimentary service free of charge.

* Van pick up

* No parking allowed.

Guide me to the stop
Dover Downs
1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
New York
Times Square
201 West 37th St. (ON West 37th St.), adjacent to Fed Ex
Virginia Beach 5461 Wesleyan Dr. suite #105
Virginia Beach

5461 Wesleyan Dr. suite #105 Virginia Beach, VA  23455

Our stop is located in one of the nicest areas of the city.

Only 1.4 miles from Wesleyan College, just a few miles from Norfolk International Airport, right next to one of the largest supermarkets in the region (FOOD LION), it seats nicely in an office that serves as a welcome center, waiting facility and reservations, tickets sales.

* Car parking allowed on the side of the building with SprinterBus sign.

* Overnight parking is not allowed.

Guide me to the stop
Dover Downs
1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
New York
Times Square
201 West 37th St. (ON West 37th St.), adjacent to Fed Ex

New York

Times Square 201 West 37th St. New York
Times Square
201 West 37th St. New York, NY 10001.
North-East Corner of 7th Ave. and 37rd St. (ON West 37th St.) adjacent to Fed Ex.

Our stop is located in the heart of Manhattan midway to Penn Station and Times Square within walking distance to various subway stations (A.C.E. IND Lines Lines)


Please note!

Our old location was on 33rd St. and 7th Ave. there's a train stop there which is 4 blocks away from our new location on 37th St. and 7th Ave. the second train station is located on 40th St. (names 42nd train) is 3 blocks away from our new location on 37th St.
Both train stations are also located on 7th Ave just like our old and new stop.

Guide me to the stop
Dover Downs
1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
Hampton Roads
Norfolk, VA
Best Square shopping center
Hampton Roads
Virginia Beach
5461 Wesleyan Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23455